LDTL Stage 5 - The Curve to Genting (Mat Salo's favorite sport!)
This is my third live LDTL event, the previous two a couple of years back. I'm not often home in Malaysia so I was lucky as hell that Stage 5 today started at my front door - literally!
The Petaling Jaya to Genting Stage kicked-off right between Ikano Power Center and The Curve, in front of co-sponsor's VW Malaysia's spiffy showroom to be exact. So all I did was to get on my hand-made Santa Cruz Superlight, a full-suspension mountain bike with my trusty D300 and 18-200 VR II lens slung across my shoulder, my pack of Dunhill's and headed off to The Curve to witness the start.
Did I tell you back in '04, at almost 45 years of age, I borrowed a RM 10,000 road bike and entered a UCI-sanctioned 100 km race in Perak? I finished fourth in my age category, barely missing the podium. But I was at least an hour behind the leader's though! I think there's hardly a sport greater than cycling, imagine day-in day-out going flat out for hundreds of kilometers a day until the end of the tour. The Tour De France, of course is the greatest of all - covering 3000 km in three weeks. How can anyone possibly do it? Doping? Naaah...Yesterday's Malacca to Bangi Stage Winner - young upstart Samai of Indonesia who clocked an average of 42.08 km/hr for the 221 km run - that's faster than most non-rempits's kapcai I gather.

Apasal tak berkayuh ikut sekali ke Genting? I prefer to see pics of actions DURING the race. ;)
My son Azuan called today to tell me that he was watching Le Tour passing infront of Giant Shah Alam today. How I wish I was there with him.
Good Pictures you got... Hope u could suppy more.. hehehe
Letaklah gambar your Santa Cruz.
Pi, perhaps 20 years ago boleh lah. Having said that one time on a Sunday morning masa traveling with my family kat McD situ I saw a group of 30 and 40-somethings cyclists from KL. Kesan nya depa naik sana, have TT, roti canai, nasii lemak ke apa and then go down balik. Respect lah. Yes, going down is the easy part, hehee.
Bung Zawi, sayang this year's edition take ke East Coast langsung. 7 stages only. Dah tak der duit agaknya...
eGentinghighlands, wish I was up there at the finish but I'm sure the traffic would have been terrible and by the time I get there the racers would have already arrived. Next time, perhaps?
muteaudio, err nanti one day ada separate posting on my lame attempts at MTB'ing kot?
You did a 100K race and finished fourth? Good on you, bro! Finishing a 100K is a feat in itself - let alone finishing fourth.
BTW do you look good in cycling shorts? I don't! I keep getting the 'codpiece-look' wrong.
Great pics there Mat Salo! How I wish I have dslr too. With my point and shoot, memang blur ajelah. lol.
Wah, siapa sangka you're into cycling and even entered a race! *clap clap*
Bro' Bangkai - Sorry bro' been traveling, and now back where I belong, as a Swampman.
Look good in cycling shorts? I don't look good in anything. Talk about 'embarrassing man boobs' and all that. I think people like me who don cycling gear should be shot! The belly bro'. The belly. Sigh...
I'm into A LOT of things, good and bad. Mostly bad. Ha ha. Er, no need to clap laa, nanti kembang. Thanks for liking the photos. How's things in Sunny Caaleefornaiyea?
That was quite unexpected - your having entered a competitive cycling race and coming out a very commendable fourth! Wow! Never mind if the time was an hour slower than the winner - you are bound to get this exceptional kind in all sports. If it is football, then Cameroon's Roger Milla automatically comes to mind.
Apparently you have the lungs (despite the cigarettes) - I think this one is very important in sports where endurance is called for. Me, I'm out of breath walking up two storeys.
Salam bro,
Bilolah den dapek ambek gambau cam you tu?
I have been to busy lately.. I missed so much on the latest happening !! And how are you Mat ?
Mat C - actually I don't have the lungs bro'.. what with all that smoking too.. sigh. I know because all these medicals I go to where they test your lung capacity I always fail miserably. These real cyclist by some genetic freak of nature have much larger hearts and lungs than your average human being...
We're not freaks I guess...
Shah No Action - Udah beliin kamera ga Pak? Mana foto nya?
Bang Raymond - I'm doin' great Bang... just poor net connection on my kapal here that makes me pissed sometimes... Will drop over soon, yah?
Salud Bro,
I'm with Cendana. Always pancit!
Anyway, hope you're in the best of health.
Yours Langiang,
~ ArahMan7
Keep on posting such themes. I like to read articles like this. By the way add more pics :)
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