Them I Will Forget / But YOU I'll Remember Always
Them I Will Forget / But YOU I'll Remember Always...
(Some scenes on a Tuesday morning)

Title for the blog is something I stole from Bob Dylan's Workingman's Blues 2. I've been spinning it on my 8 -Gig Ipod or in my car 24/7 - and my spouse isn't amused.
She'd rather have Rain.
I can't help myself, it's that good. And it gets better as I understand the lyrics . Dylan's latest album, Modern Times, which Workingman is Track # 6 -- is a gem. I urge you to get it because the lyrics and melodies reflect EXACTLY of our very own, very Malaysian, 'Modern Times'.
Check out the opening verses of Workingman: (excerpts)
There's an evenin' haze settling over town
Starlight by edge of the creek
The buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down
Money's getting shallow and weak
Well, the place I love best is a sweet memory
It's a new path that we trod
The say low wages are reality
If we want to compete abroad...
After the economic implications of the opening verses, Dylan alludes to politics, and for some reason I can imagine RPK echoing these ...
Well the burned my barn,
and they stole my horse
I can't save a dime
I got to be careful, I don't want to be forced
Into a life of continual crime
I can see for myself that the sun is sinking
How I wish you were here to see
Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking
That you have forgotten me?
No, Pete, because...
Them I Will Forget
But You I'll Remember Always ...
So beautiful and so apt.
one cool vest he's got there. he wouldnt agree with me but i seriously recommend him to take some break himself. the battle is mountainous, a good RnR, with a can or 10 malts would refreshen him up.
Ah, so soothing...
p/s: have seen all the photos: in person. *wink wink*
Swampman....You do not take pictures.....YOU TELL STORIES IN THOSE PICS. That I heard is the epitome of photo-jounalism. Thanks buddy. I will relay the message to Pete in court.
Danny.....I stayed in last night!!!!malt-less. Howzat?
Miss you Michelle....couldn't star buck with you yesterday. we will do it anothertime. Love to Jeff and hugs, hugs, hugs to Luc.
Chegu....Hantu tells me that you will be in KL during the hols. I wait and brood meantime....thinking of doing your Dad and Son piece....OK?
RPK's friends are really Friends for life and Friends In Need. It's so nice to have sincere and genuine friends around. But nowadays people are power crazy and greed. They think.. no gain no friend.
Chegu: Thanks, Sir. BTW, belated happy (global) teachers day. That goes for that geriatric model too!
Bro Kerp: That man with the vest would put people half his age to shame! Must be something in the malt?
Hmmm Makcik Mish: I'd let to think that our rendezvous had an element of tryst laar... if only on a platonic level. But I can see clearly why you're hot!
Unker Zorro: Sorry couldn't make it in the morning although I did pass by after lunch.
There can only be one unmasked Zorro, and yes, you I won't forget, Sir.
Abe R of KB: There are people whom RPK has thought of as friends, taken them into his home and now when he's down and out, these very people who once professed to be his friends suddenly turn the other cheek. Imagine kicking someone when he's writhing on the ground amd defenseless? They are amoral and guileless bro. I'm glad they're not, and will never be, part of my circle. It's THEM I will forget, bro. Thanks.
Rosmah Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia? – Bahagian Satu: Belanja Lumayan, Anak Suami Tak Dilayan
Sebelum rakyat dan ahli-ahli UMNO memberi sokongan kepada Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Presiden Parti dan Perdana Menteri negara, wajarlah tingkahlaku dan dosa anak Perdana Menteri kedua Malaysia ini diselidiki sepenuhnya. Tolak ketepi dahulu kebarangkalian pengbabitannya dengan pembunuhan ngeri Altantuya Sharibuu yang mengaibkan kerajaan Malaysia di mata dunia. Imbasan ringkas sejarah busuk Najib dan isterinya Rosmah sudah cukup untuk mengajar kita betapa bahaya parti dan negara jatuh ke tangan gandingan suami-isteri (atau lebih sesuai, ISTERI-suami) ini.
Belum sempat keperitan hati keluarga mangsa-mangsa Helikopter Nuri diubati, kronisme dan nepotisme Najib-Rosmah terserlah dengan penggantian Nuri dengan Eurocopter, meskipun ia merupakan model paling mahal sejauh 25% dan tidak diuji medan perang. Mengapa Najib sewaktu menjadi Menteri Pertahanan sekian lama enggan memeterai perjanjian untuk Sikorsky Blackhawk yang jauh lebih murah dan mempunyai rekod cemerlang di zon-zon perang?
Jawapannya datang dalam bentuk seorang adik bernama Nazim Razak yang muncul berkecimpung dalam isu-isu pertahanan negara sungguhpun merupakan seorang arkitek. Dengan rangkaian luasnya dengan pencipta-pencipta Eurocopter, Nazimlah sebenarnya yang menandatangani perjanjian Eurocopter sekaligus meraih komisen besar sewaktu rakyat Malaysia sibuk memikirkan kos sara hidup yang kian meningkat.
Yang cukup membimbangkan kita, sebenarnya bukan Najib yang berkomplot langsung dengan adiknya Nazim dalam hal Eurocopter ini. Tetapi isterinya Rosmah, yang berkelakuan seperti wanita sihir atau "witch" dalam cerita kanak-kanak Inggeris! Rosmah cukup bijak; wanita durjana ini menghabiskan wang yang diberi Nazim, untuk bersuka ria di London. Siapa tak kenal Rosmah dan perangai borosnya itu di negara perantauan. Dalam satu kes, cukai-tambah-nilai sahaja dilaporkan oleh penguatkuasa di England sebanyak 50, 000 pound (sekitar RM350 000)! Jika cukainya yang tak sampai 20% pun sudah bernilai RM350 ribu bayangkanlah berapa tinggi nilai sebenar perbelanjaannya.
Tak cukup lagi dengan keborosan di kedai-kedai mewah di London, Rosmah juga menghabiskan RM 500 ribu untuk pembedahan plastik dan botox di London tahun lepas. Jika tak percaya, lihat sajalah wajah wanita sihir itu dulu dan sekarang; mustahil cukup tempe di Malaysia ini!
Mungkin sikap Rosmah ini tidaklah memeranjatkan, jika kita lihat sejarahnya yang lampau. Sudahlah mencuri suami orang (Najib pada awalnya berkahwin dengan Tunku Puteri), Rosmah cuba sedaya upaya menghalang Najib untuk menghadiri majlis akad nikah anaknya sewaktu bersama Tunku Puteri, Nizar Najib bersama anak usahawan mahsyur dan bekas Exco Wanita UMNO Malaysia Dato' Maznah Hamid. Kuatnya pengaruh Rosmah ke atas suaminya, Najib hampir-hampir akur dengan saranan Rosmah untuk tidak ke majlis tersebut.
Setakat ini sahaja bahagian satu siri Rosmah Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Tiga isu yang dikupas setakat ini:
1) Perjanjian kronisme Eurocopter yang menguntungkan Rosmah
2) Perbelanjaan lumayan Rosmah di London (wang rakyat!!)
3) "Queen Control" hinggakan perkahwinan anak sah Najib pun tidak direstui
Salam MS,
Bro, aiyah said the other blog! But anyway, yes, we will remember him always. Most especially after his release (insyAllah) soon.
Nice shots.
Can I keep my pics?
Its great meeting you that day.
Bro shah' tengok you dah baik dari demam. What other blog, bro?
The Whisperer: Haha.. nice meeting you too. Got you on my blogroll Sir. Keep Up The Good Fight!
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