4 Dalil Kenapa Mat Salo . . . Vacation Edition
Four Reasons Why . . .
Mat Salo had to rush back from Indonesia recently - to take the "Four Reasons" for a quickie school vacation break. The Four Reasons, mainly (not in any particular order lest he be accused of favoritism): The only girl, the smaller boy, the bigger boy, and the better-half.
In line with Tengku Adnan's call, Mat Salo decided to spend his dollars in Penang, a small contribution on his part to Visit Malaysia Year '07.
In line with Tengku Adnan's call, Mat Salo decided to spend his dollars in Penang, a small contribution on his part to Visit Malaysia Year '07.
More of "The Reasons" . . .
Along the way, off the beaten track is Parit Buntar's best-kept secret: "Shangri-La". Ask any salesman, Class A-F contractor in these parts and he will lead you to this joint. The food is superb, and the waitresses comely, some sporting dyed blond hair. Fuyoo!
To get here, northbounders to exit Taiping Utara interchange, go 30 KM past the sleepy town of Bagan Serai and enter town of Parit Buntar to your right. Go past some shops for about a kilometer and then look for a Shell station on the right. And right across it to your left is "heaven"! I kid you not.
The "Shang"
In contrast to the ladies above, no need to introduce you these mafiosi ladies below. They are helpers at the Tanjung Malim R & R. They do strike a mean pose don't you think?
Victoria Restaurant, Bukit Bendera, with fantastic 360-degree views of the island. And the food? Simply divine!
The Water-cum-Beach Babies, Kids and Adolescents
Lebuh Campbell Street Scenes: The Hunt for "Line-Clear" and Buah Pala at Chowrasta Market.
A trip to the Pearl of the Orient would be incomplete without paying homage to the late Loga at No. 2, Jalan Ayze, Tanjung Bunga (no one home when I came a calling - least of all you, Loga. May you R.I.P. and oh, thank you for the music, Sir.)
More Makan Scenes . . .
Parting Shots: Batu Feringhi Beach Scenes
Mat Salo wishes to unreservedly and whole-heartedly apologize to Grand Sifu Chegu Nazir Khan for a cock-up that caused a planned rendezvous to fail. I believe Penangites have a term for this: it's called "kalut".
Mat Salo, true in his kalut-ness had inadvertently caused to save Chegu NK's phone number erroneuosly as "012" as oppossed to "017". Then MS had heed and hawed why the damn Maxis provider is at fault after countless attempts at calling and sms-ing to a non-existent number!
Furthermore, Mat Salo had also missed Mrs. Mambang Hijau - or more popularly known as Raden Galoh of "One Breast Bouncing" fame - by mere minutes! RG had checked in at the hotel next door, the Holiday Inn, while Mat Salo was busy checking out of the Park Royal! Of course, if Mat Salo had saved Chegu's number correctly the first time this idiocy on MS's part would never have happened. Just so you know, RG is in Penang with the Breast Cancer Survivors' Group to participate in the Penang International Dragon Boat Race.
Way to go RG! We're rooting for you!!!
Ever the optimist and in the belief of God's Grand Design, MS believes there's a "hikmah" to this.
Good things come for those who wait . . .
© 2007 MatSalo Images. Some rights reserved.
Ooooo new lens. Love all the pictures. Glad you enjoyed your holiday. I was looking forward to the food pictures - tak menyempat nak ambik dah habih kena belasah yek ?
Wow... lovely pictures. I noticed you have some rights reserved to your images. May I know which one of those is available for release to be used as my computer background? :) The parting shots of Batu Ferringhi are absolutely beautiful.
Oh.. you have beautiful children. Little Alesha is so pretty - love her smile.
Evidently that was a good holiday. Thanks for the directions to the "Shang". Someday...
Salam MS:
Mat,aku telioq tengok shots hang hat tepi laut tu..dan anak2 mandi di kolam.Fuuhhh...best betoi.Nanti kalu aku balik Tepen nak pi Pt Buntaq try Shangri-La.
Awat hang kalut sampai silap simpan nombot che'gu?
Haha Cap't! You're right... No time to compose shots of the tantalizing dishes. Tak sempat. Belasah dulu! Glad you liked the 18-200. My guess is it will stay on the D40 body for a loooong time...
Aah J.T.! My daughter say thanks for flattering her... hehee (she can't even say "Papa" yet!). If you like the pix, Papa is flattered too. Just email me and II'll send you some small sized samples. Pick the ones you like and I'll email you the hi-rez ones. Err, of course the onde-ondes will be on you! It was, as you said, evidently damn good holiday!
Wa'alaikum salaam Dr. Zul.. Aku ni memang kalut. Macamnana bulih tersalah sep nomor Chegu? Eh takper laa, excuse nak kena pi utagha lagi. Thanks for enjoying the photos. Restoran tu memang kao Doc. Tak caya tanya orang majlih bandaran PB... I saw one Indian family kata dia datang all the way from JB pi Ipoh jumpa sedagha but sanggup go further up north just to pekena! But be careful though, Juma'at tutop, respek kot?
There's still a lot of stuff which has not got 'unpacked' and are suppose to be on my blog.
Just a suggestion - "Mat Salo's Sunset". One photo per week to appear on the sidebar at OBE. Borneo Blues or Mat Salo URLs must appear on bottom of pic. Only sunsets lah coz you seem to have a fixation on this and damn excellent as well. Who the heck needs flicker, man.
RSVP and cheers.
Hehee.. Bro' shar. Fixation on sunsets eh? Better fixation on this than on other unsavory stuff that a man in his mid-life years might be wont to subscribe to.. You might be right, dude, could be a precursor to twilight of my years next... (hope not, the little one's still gotta long way to go)
Your suggestion is cool and flattering... but how the hell you do that?
Salam MS. Gambar2 percutian yang sungguh merarik. "Mafiosi ladies" tu mungkin tak mahu gambar mereka diambil, takut menjadi menjadi terkenal diseluruh Malaya.
As usual, lovely photos. And lovely kids too. permandangan laut dan langit always reminds me of kebesaran Ilahi.
Hah! Thought you'd never ask and I can see you're interested.
Well, you got these photosets thingy on your sidebar which I presume opens up in a new window. So, I do a link to these photos under the caption of 'Mat Salo's sunset' at OBE and readers will then be brought to your site to view the beautiful pictures. Must be 'sunset' stuff and it's nothing to do with your mid-life crisis(?)lah.
Really, bro. Those sunset photos are really excellent. Btw The one in this posting with the para-sailing dude doing a 'wheeeee' is priceless. It sort of created a little quirkiness to an otherwise ordinary shot.
Whaddaya say, man.
Hey Rigger !
Those are really cool shots, while you got the sunsets for a few lovely days in Penang, I got the most lovely sunrises over at Redang last week...hic ..sorry only 2 days lah... the other days I was still nursing a bad hang-over from the night before !Cheers to the great holidays and godbless you and the family....take care out there...orang minyak !
Sori, aku terlambat update posting hang dalam Malaysiakia. Dah boh dah.
Salam, Bro!
Mat, stupid of me not to recheck KTN number when you told me that you couldnt reach him. Yep, we take things for granted mnost of the time. Free tomorrow to catch up at Maria's HOUSE....not Cage4teen. Call me.The last time I was in Penang, the End of the World restaurant sucked real bad...it was THE spot years ago. Will try Shang the next trip up north.
MS, dah tak dak rezeki nak jumpa macam mana? I didn't even get to meet RG. I was too busy marking papers, 7 piles in all. While resting i got my new BM blog done. Just want to try writing in BM pulak but same stuff la.
I envy you. Those pictures are something man. Real good for stress la. I know nest to nothing about photography. Hope we have better luck next time and hoped you enjoyed your visit to Penang.
Heh-heh... Sdr. Zabs, ada gak org nak ngomen on the unsung heroines of PLUS R & R.. look at them! So assured and I'm sure deserve our respect!
Acciaccatura, thanks for kind words. Alah, anak kita kan, mestilah lah lovely. But.. but I can't imagine the pain you had to go through. Makes me treasure so much and grateful to Allah SWT with what I have...
Err.. Shar. Glad you saw that quirk with the parasailing shot. To get the silouhoutte (damn howdya spell that?) effect had to underexpose by 2 stops. Then had to wait for the right moment... Technically quite tedious. Er, show me how will ya? About that linking stuff I mean...
My fellow abang roustabout from Loflan Brothers - What the fish - Thanks for the well wishes bro'! Last time I went to Redang I hadn't rediscovered photography yet! So rugi man... You still nursing a hangover? Tsk, tsk...
Wa'alikum salaam Bakaq! Jangan khawathir saudara... will make my way to Taman Melati one of these days (ada peminat nak jumpa!)...
Unker Bernard - do try the Shang. Highly rated by the travelling salemen, lorry drivers, hustlers,Parit Buntar councilmen and their contractors,and other no-gooders. Don't worry, they have goldies on tap or chilled "Tai"...
The End of The World is no more where it used to be. They moved near the roundabout because the gomen has taken over the old premises. But you're right, the dishes ain't so hot anymore...
Chegu NK,
Ye lah apa nak buat. Mebbe next time? Masa dok hostel dulu kalut sampailah sekarang... adui! Yes, Cgegu, thanks for the wishes and we had a very, very nice time. Penang always does it for us. Apa lagi, Syoru tip-top! I tanya parking attendant depa tak recommend line clear lagi but Hameediyah kat Lebuh Campbell tu pon ok jugak. Ada one restaurant nama Taj dah tutop dah. 7 piles in all Chegu? Wow! Mana ada time nak mem-blog nih? Good luck on the Malay site - belum melowongi lagi but next on my agenda. Anyway, besok akan bersemuka dengan rekan blogger. Betul Chegu, hobby fotografi ni stress reliever. Bila nak angkat gitar Chegu? Salaam...
marcelo, aku was was nak patron shang tu just becoz kau kata food dia superb sebab; 1) kau dapat parking depan kedai 2) nampak gaya macam ur family aje guest dia 3) waitress belakang tu menguap 4) takde sapa nak serve terpaksa lipat napkin, unless kau buat reservation before or after biz hrs susah nak bayangkan kedai yg makanannya superb tapi kurang pengunjungnya.
Gambaq the two shaolin martial artists practising the crane posture at the water's edges my fav.
non other
Ahhh....lovely lovely children. And your girl (I am still over the moon with the fact that our names are sooooo similar!) is just adorable.
Great to have you back brother
salam abg Mat,
cant help but to notice how impressive ur photography works are. definitely a cuti-cuti malaysia brochure material. great stuff.
Wow! Splendid photos you got there bro...jealousnye...I tak sempat ambik gambar yang cantik2 pun...or maybe I yg tak pandai ambik angle..hehehe...
Iyelah...we missed by a minute... Takpe there'll be a next time...always...kan?
Take care and salam.
I came here from KataTakNak...
Funny post! The way you wrote about the 'four reasons'...
Haha...I was giggling like a mad cow here and my roomate was giving me one look!
You know, your "younger boy" looks a little MatSalleh-ish in the first picture...
So you were in Penang...I'm studying in Penang...=)
Hi mat
Beautiful photos & beautiful kids you have.
I was just abt to make the same comment as daphne.
Your youngest is so adorable and she certainly looks like anak of mixed parentage (yup mat sallehish).
I tell ya...she gonna be a heartbreaker. :)
Hello MS,
First time into your blog bro. Its wonderful. Its strange when you mentioned the things you did was for your '4 Reasons'. Its really for the children isn't it. Our toils, heartaches, our purpose. Beautiful 'Reasons' you have bro. And the pix, you have the gift for takinh the most breath-takinh pix mann. Cheers.
"a picture says a thousand words"... best describes the shots... Pacha & me really enjoy reading your blog.
Non Other, I can't help but rebutt:
1. I got parking depan kedai because some asshole motorcyclist (mrempit, Uthaga edition?) parked on that spot 1st. I had to move it myself.
2. It's closing time. Quite strict 2.30 pm last call (but not 4 alkohol) for makan... but respek Friday's - closed 24 hrs. Dun 4get this is PAS territory.
3.I like this joint because it practices true equal opportunity. 1 or 2 of the waitresses (not lipat napkin one) are of dubious sexuality (Indo's call "bencong").
4. Thank you 4 d compliments on the Karate Kid Pt. VIII shot!
Elv... thanks ... the little one is over the moon too with your kind compliments! Hey, my me and your late Papa same way of thinking-lah! Hehee...
Kerp! Wa'alaikum salaam Dude!.. Thanks fpr dropping by .. Brochure material? Hmmm, thanks if you think so... Glad you liked 'em, Dude.
Dalilah RG... janganlah jealous2 hal gambaq ni... setakat syiok sendiri aje. I hope things are sorted out with your laptop re: office... Take care too and Wa'alaikum salaam. Yes, Insya'Allah there's always a "next time"...
Daphne Ling!
Aiyoo! Seen you floating around everywhere but how come you don't let me come in your blog? Or izzit strictly for Foochow mafia only? And you said you found the post "funny and giggled like a mad cow". I thought all mad cow mati one! Joke laa hehee..
Anyway thanks for enjoying the photos and kind words. The little one Mat Saleh? Aiyaa, I already give her mat salleh name, so now muka can transform meh? Just curious, I got a guy one time Ling Mee Loong working offshore Trengganu some years back, is he related? From Setiawan...
Waaah! So lucky to be studying on that beautiful island!
Kak Maria!
You bet.. she's already learning how to break mine!
Thanks for the kind words! EH, my hutang tak bayar lagi!!!
Tony.. thanks for dropping-by. Such an honor to have met you... and thanks for the complimants. Yes sir, it's all for the children..
Adrian! My favorite B-I-L (as if I got any other) Aiyaa... see you soon man!
The attack on Monsterball.
Was it “Blogosphere Coup D’etat?”
Posing the R&R ladies tu memang klasik habis lah..Haha..
Nice photos by the way...
Dear Mat Salo,
I have been alerted by JT to your reply...My blog (www.daphneling.blogspot.com) is open to everyone, except the private one, of course...
Came to striaghten things out...
Two possible reasons:
1) You tried accessing my private blog...
2) There is another Daphne in the blogosphere, as far as I know...Her profile and blog is blocked...
Hope that helps!
God, there are two mistakes in that above comment...
One is a sentence structure error (structure of "My blog.....of course"), and second is grammatical (should be 'are' and not 'is')...
But aiya...Sorry ar...=)
Happy father's day pok.
Happy Daddy's Day...Paid tribute to you (among other blogger daddy's) on me blog...
Cheerio ;)!
Mat Solo....Nice family you have. I have a brother staying at Tanjong Bungah which I visit regularly.Love eating durian fresh from the hill side farms selling them.Is the foul smell from farmers still there at the Tanjong Bugah vicinity? I hope the govt. have done something by now.
Lovely pictures....and I must say ur daughter looks adorable, MS.
Happy Bapak Day btw...
and where is my COFFEEEEEEEEEEE?
Happy Papa's Day, MS! The pix say all - you're a wonderful dad. :D
Once again, gorgeous sunset shots!
Daphne.. thanks for including me in your Father's Day tribute!
Abang Nora..
Selamat Hari Bapa to you too, Pok! I'm too much playing Father's Day for THE LAST FEW DAYS sampai blog pon tak baca, Pok!
Hello Unker Monty, tks for dropping by.. The smell? Aiyaa, the smell is ALWAYS there! But can ignore the smell because really that is such a wonderful place. Makes me want to retire there someday.. except the prices by then would drive most of us Malaysians out (MM2H programs)...
AR aka Galadriel..
Ni tengah nak arrange ni kopitiam. Eh, I thot u allergic to kopi.. hehee...
Mek Yam,
Sorry been tardy with ALL my replies. This is what happens when I come home.. I play Daddy-O to the hilt! Thanks for enjoying the sunset pix.. never my intention to make 'em my forte though..(haha - they have been worked to death by countless millions of photographers the world over!)
Alah cutenya youngest kau. I wanna culik her.
looks fun and the durian looks very ... tempting!
nice to take time to recharge with the fab four....
Great pix as usual, must relive my old days..and get meself a cam....
But right now there are more important things to see to.
Missed you at MRT....
Next time perhaps...
Oh...yes, looking for the next edition of SSS....
Salam bro matsalo;
U still in M'sia or in Kalimantan?
Hope you had a good time balik cuti this time around. So when is the next trip back home?
take care bro.
Salam bro matsalo;
U still in M'sia or in Kalimantan?
Hope you had a good time balik cuti this time around. So when is the next trip back home?
take care bro.
Which beach resort did you house your battalion whilst in Penang?
My favourite is still under renovation; Penang Mutiara Beach Resort.
Bigg Dawg
A Voice.. (mao ke tu?). Apa culik-culik nih? Nanti aku put you on Interpol Most Wanted list baru tau.. Hahaha... Tks for the compliments, bro'...
Zewt - Watcha talking' about dude? The durians ARE tempting! Can't imagine why some Mat Sallehs oso find the smell repulsive huh?
Yes bro' Tony.. right now plenty of things to do. Hope all is well in your "case". Take care, bro' and see you down the road in August (?) sometime?
Tokasid - I will call you, bro'.
Bigg Dawgg (one and the same with Burt Dark / Bird Duck?).. the hotel is Penang Park Royal - the 3rd hotel after Rasa Sayang and next to Golden Sands (Kuok Group) but before the Holiday Inn. I rate it as an excellent family hotel. ***** out of *****. I think you find the accomodations very "ample".. Heh-heh.
Yes, the Mutiara was still closed (being taken over?). I've stayed there too but BD, try the PR - the kids will love the pool better.
ms, can you email me kojak punya contacts. I need to talk to him further on the fertigation matter. thanks.
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